Our 7 Breakout rooms at Quartier Dix30 feature 100% original storylines, varying levels of difficulty, unique and unrepeated puzzles, not to mention the all important wow-factor.


(4-8 players required)

Difficulty Level 2.5/5

M. Hocus, un criminel notoire qui possède quelques connaissances dans l'art de la magie et qui utilise celles-ci pour commettre ses crimes, s’est encore une fois échappé indemne d'un vol. La signature de tous ses crimes se compose de cartes de jeux portant le message «Hocus Pocus, pouvez-vous trouver Hocus? » Il est reconnu pour être un homme dangereux avec un sens de l'humour malicieux. Lors de votre quête de ce magicien recherché, vous et votre équipe tombez par hasard sur cette mystérieuse Chambre de Hocus dans l'espoir de le capturer une fois pour toutes...


(4-8 players required)

Difficulty Level 3.5/5

En l'an 1942, une guerre largement connue comme la guerre pour Rembrandt a éclaté entre l'Union Nuevo et la République Hetzel séparant le monde en deux régions. D’une part, on se bat pour la préservation du matériel d'art et d'alphabétisation tandis que la seconde région les considère comme matières manipulatrices utilisées par l'autre région afin d’usurper les nations du monde.

La République Hetzel avait confisqué et mis à l'abri des milliers d'artefacts dans une station souterraine secrète connue sous le nom de Graveyard Train, c’est-à-dire, Le Train Cimetière. En tant que groupe rebelle qui croit en l'importance de l'art et de la préservation de la littérature, vous avez localisé la station secrète et vous êtes prêts à infiltrer et transporter les objets hors de la station avec l'aide de l'Union Nuevo.


(4-8 players required)

Difficulty Level 3/5

In 1883, Nikola Tesla revealed his first prototype to create free energy for the world. However, due to the dominating influence of the oil and gas industrialist Hewitt & Co., Tesla was forced to stop his research and was publicly denounced as being insane. Tesla predicted that all natural resources would soon be depleted and the world would plunge into darkness, so he continued to secretly build a power plant able to generate large amounts of electricity in the hopes that when the time came, mankind would be prepared. Decades later, the world went dark, once all the natural resources had been squandered. As the descendants of the Tesla family, you’ve been gifted a mysterious will from your caretaker that contains information that will help you once again bring light back to humanity.


(4-8 players required)

Difficulty Level 2/5

Project Fallout, an aptly named weapon of mass destruction is reported missing along with the group of scientists working on it. You wake up to find that you have no memory of who or where you are, but you are being interrogated by unknown authorities about a weapon you have no recollection of. You overheard the authorities say that you wiped out your own memory before their arrival. Now you know that you have to breakout from their captivity and find out who you are, and what happened


(4-8 players required)

Difficulty Level 4/5

**Players must be divided into two groups

**Please note some areas can be restrictive according to the size of the group

Where am I now? Have I been kidnapped? I couldn’t find a way to get out of here. The very last thing that I remember was driving. I only get quick flashes of memories, but yet they all feel very familiar. Sometimes they’re vibrant and colourful, and sometimes they’re in black and white. And there is this constant beeping sound, which is very annoying, and it hurts my brain a lot. Why am I trapped in here? Someone, please help me! This is so frustrating. I need to find a way to get out of here.


(4-8 players required)

Difficulty Level 3/5

While tracking the elusive trail of the mysterious criminal magician Mr. Hocus, you’ve uncovered a secret theatre where you believe he keeps all of his magical possessions. The Organization says that to destroy Mr Hocus’ powers, you will need the combined powers of all 3 magical wands: the Wand of Mythos, Wand of Alectos and the Wand of Atropos. With this knowledge, you and your team venture into the depths of Mr. Hocus’ secret theatre in hopes of ending his notorious crime sprees once and for all.


(4-8 players required)

Difficulty Level 4.5/5

A mysterious physician named Han suddenly appeared in the small town of Wu Shan one day and immediately became famous amongst the villagers because of his remarkable medicinal healing abilities. As the village’s previous top physician, you are determined to find out this mysterious man’s secret, along with the types of ingredients he uses in his miraculous medicines. One quiet evening, while the physician is away on an errand, you quickly sneak in with your assistants to gather what information you can from his lair in hopes of recreating the same mysterious potion